Saturday, August 29, 2009


Scholarship Guidelines and Procedures

1) Applicant must be currently enrolled in an academic institute.

2) Applicant must be able to meet all of the following scholarship requirements.

    a) Legal Resident of the general Los Angeles area.

    b) Supportive statement from the applicant as to their goals and 

        potential contribution to the greater community.

    c) Financial need, supported by documentation.

    d) Current photograph.

    e) Prepare for an interview.

The recipient(s) of the award will be informed that they have been chosen to receive the Regalettes scholarship and responsibility to maintain contact with the scholarship committee.  They will also be informed that the scholarships are awarded on a yearly basis, and if they are interested in applying again, they can do so in October.

The scholarship recipient(s) will be invited as a guest(s) to a luncheon, where they will be presented to the Regalettes and the award will be presented to them.  Each recipient must be prepared to make a brief speech as it pertains to their future career goals.

Award Recipient Follow-up:

In order to monitor a report to the Regalettes, Inc. on the progress of the award recipients, a yearly follow-up will be done in the following manner:

a) Contact the former recipients with a survey-type letter letting them know that we are interested in their progress and would like to know how they are doing, and what they have done since our last contact.

b) At each Presentation Luncheon, the previous year's award 

recipient(s) will be invited.

c) A file will be maintained on each award recipient with resume, application and all correspondence.  All files will be maintained by the Scholarship Committee and passed on to the next committee at the completion of the incumbent's term.

Regalettes, Inc.


3717 S. LaBrea Ave. Suite 106-723

Los Angeles, CA 90016 

Tel: (323) 822-7822 

Fax: (310) 674-9898